Registration Opens: April 15, 2025 Registration Closes: May 15, 2025
Helpful Hints for Players:
Opening Day: When you arrive at your first game, find the PLAYER CHECK-IN table. There you will receive your jersey hat, and a Casey's Clubhouse volunteer will show you to your dugout so you can meet your team and coaches!
Season timeline: See Game Schedule Tab
What to wear: Something comfy! Players typically wear sneakers and gym shorts or pants (depending on the weather) and their team jersey, which you will receive on Opening Day. CLEATS/SPIKES are PROHIBITED on the Casey's Clubhouse field.
What to bring: All you really need to bring with you is a water bottle and a smile!We supply bats, batting helmets, and gloves for players to use during their game. Players may purchase their own equipment if they prefer. (Only Major League Division teams are required to wear batting helmets).
Location: Our field is located at Boyce Mayview Park in Upper St. Clair. 1551 Mayview Road, Upper St. Clair, PA,15241
Cost: $35 - Your registration fee covers baseball for one season, and a uniform jersey & hat. You must register for each season, spring and fall. Scholarship: If you need assistance with the registration fee, please email [email protected]. Paying with Check: To register and pay with check, enter the word - CHECK - (all caps) in the coupon code box at checkout. You can mail the check to: Casey's Clubhouse, 1023 Paxton Drive, Bethel Park, PA 15102
No Drop Off Policy: A family member or staff (aide) is required to be at all Casey's Clubhouse activities when your athlete is present. This policy is for children and adults. The family member or staff is responsible for the athlete in case of emergency or any situation where that athlete needs to be one-on-one with another person (i.e. bathroom breaks, working in the Next Inning, or emergencies).
Weather Updates: We DO NOT send out emails for rain delays/cancellations. We will post on your team SportYou Page if there are any changes to the schedule. Incoming calls/text/emails won't be answered for weather related questions. If you don't know how to get on SportYou, email [email protected].